Tag Archives: server

Sql Interview Question: What is SQL CLR?

SQL CLR (SQL Common Language Runtime) is a technology for hosting of the Microsoft .NET common language runtime engine within SQL Server. The SQLCLR allows managed code to be hosted by, and run in, the Microsoft SQL Server environment.

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How do you check if automatic statistic update is enabled for a database?

The following query can be used to determine if Automatic Statistic update is enabled: Continue reading How do you check if automatic statistic update is enabled for a database?

Sql Interview question: What are the limitations of indexed views?

Some of the limitations with Indexed views are:

  • The UNION operation is not allowed in an indexed view.
  • We cannot create an Index on a nested view scenario which means we cannot create index on a view built from another view.

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What is the difference between the GETUTCDATE and SYSUTCDATETIME functions?

These functions return data as UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time). In case of the GETUTCDATE(), the precision is in milliseconds. SYSUTCDATETIME() has a default precision of 7 digits after the seconds (aka nanoseconds). Continue reading What is the difference between the GETUTCDATE and SYSUTCDATETIME functions?

What is the difference between GETDATE() and SYSDATETIME() in SQL Server?

With the GETDATE() function, the precision is in milliseconds, and with the SYSDATETIME() function, the precision is down to 100 nanoseconds. Continue reading What is the difference between GETDATE() and SYSDATETIME() in SQL Server?